Sport : Tennis

French rating : 15
Availability status : Committed
Enrollment year : Fall 2024

Date of birth : May 10, 2003
Sex : M
Height : 5’9
Weight : 142

Academic Information

High school : Lycée Saint Jean XXIII – Reims
Graduation date : 07/2020
GPA : Pending

College : Université de Technologie de Compiègne
2020 – 2021 : MPSI
2021 – 2022 : MP
2022 – 2023 : 3rd year – GPA : 3.64


Major Interest : Business, management, marketing, related support services, engineering, agriculture operations

Athletic Information

Club : Val Vert du Clin TC
French ranking : 15
UTR rating : 7.84
Style of play : Versatile player
Dominant hand : Right-handed and one-handed backhand
Strengths : Mental, forehand and stamina
Weaknesses : Serve and topspin backhand
Double : Like to go to the net
Better win in 2023 :  5/6


Personality profile

  • Calm
  • Team spirit
  • Rigorous
  • Reserved
  • Never gives up
  • Do not like to lose